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Bullying Prevention

Why Address Bullying?

There are numerous reasons why it is critical to address bullying in schools. A fundamental reason is that bullying is peer abuse with both short term and long-term consequences for students who are involved, whether as the student who bullies, the student who was bullied, or the bystanders who see or know it is happening. These consequences include physical health issues, impacts on mental health, and decreased academic success.

It is important to address bullying so students can learn. Bullying can create such a sense of fear that learning is disrupted. Students may begin to dislike being at school and they may feel like the adults around them either don’t care or have little control over the situation.

In addition to the health, academic, and social problems that bullying can cause for young people, there are risk management issues that could impact a school or district. Bullying can be a threat to a student’s wellbeing and if not addressed, could involve legal liabilities. All 50 states have laws related to bullying prevention. While there are no federal laws, in some cases, bullying overlaps with discriminatory harassment which is covered under federal civil rights laws. Schools are obligated to address conduct that:

  • Is severe, pervasive, or persistent or
  • Creates a hostile environment that interferes with or limits a student’s ability to participate in or benefit from the services, activities, or opportunities offered by a school

Research-based bullying prevention is also a wise investment. Addressing bullying can lead to decreased costs for treatment of health conditions related to bullying and a reduction in lost revenue from students leaving school for reasons related to bullying. Preventing bullying can result in a decrease in drop-out rates, decreased involvement in the justice system, and an increase in the number of students who stay in school and become productive members of society.

Considering the negative outcomes bullying can have on young people, knowing the benefits of research based bullying prevention, and considering applicable laws, ignoring or dismissing bullying behavior as something that kids have to deal with is not an option.

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About Us / Yozgoo Story:

Clemson University and Gamify are happy to collaborate and introduce the first full length, web-based bully-prevention interactive role-playing game, Yozgoo!

Yozgoo is based on world renowned peer reviewed scholarly research on comprehensive bullying prevention. Yozgoo lets the student/player build a character and play to learn how to identify bullying, manage bullying behavior, use best practices in bullying situations and much more. The student/player is immersed in a story-driven fictitious world designed to simulate common bullying problems students face every day. This world is a safe and friendly world which is stylized in a kid-friendly theme.

  1. Meet Yoz from the planet Yizzle, he's come to help your school!
  2. Learn strategies to help manage and identify bullying.
  3. Help other students at your school.
  4. Navigate fun secret mazes and challenges.
  5. Score as many points as possible, get the high score in your class!
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