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What is Bullying?

Bullying is a complex and abusive form of peer violence that remains one of the most common forms of violence experienced by children and youth. A widely accepted definition of bullying is one from Dan Olweus. He defined bullying as when a student or several students say or do mean or hurtful things to another student who has a hard time defending himself or herself.

This is very similar to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) definition: bullying is any unwanted aggressive behavior(s) by another youth or group of youths, who are not siblings or current dating partners, that involves an observed or perceived power imbalance, and is repeated multiple times or is highly likely to be repeated. Bullying may inflict harm or distress on the targeted youth including physical, psychological, social, or educational harm.

Whichever definition is used, three key components of bullying are:

  • Bullying is aggressive behavior that intends to cause harm
  • Bullying is usually repeated or has the potential to be repeated
  • Bullying occurs in a relationship where there is an imbalance of power or strength.

Direct bullying involves a confrontation with a person and can include:

  • Verbal bullying: any type of communication that causes harm to another (taunting, teasing, name-calling, racial slurs, extortion, threats).
  • Physical bullying: harming a person or property (shoving, hitting, tripping, damaging a person’s property).

Indirect bullying is a more subtle and covert act such as:

  • Relational aggression: harm to someone’s self-esteem or group acceptance (spreading rumors, intentionally excluding someone, social isolation).
  • Cyberbullying: the use of technology to harass, make fun of, or intimidate another person (posting derogatory comments, using technology to spread rumors or make threatening comments).
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About Us / Yozgoo Story:

Clemson University and Gamify are happy to collaborate and introduce the first full length, web-based bully-prevention interactive role-playing game, Yozgoo!

Yozgoo is based on world renowned peer reviewed scholarly research on comprehensive bullying prevention. Yozgoo lets the student/player build a character and play to learn how to identify bullying, manage bullying behavior, use best practices in bullying situations and much more. The student/player is immersed in a story-driven fictitious world designed to simulate common bullying problems students face every day. This world is a safe and friendly world which is stylized in a kid-friendly theme.

  1. Meet Yoz from the planet Yizzle, he's come to help your school!
  2. Learn strategies to help manage and identify bullying.
  3. Help other students at your school.
  4. Navigate fun secret mazes and challenges.
  5. Score as many points as possible, get the high score in your class!
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