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Facts About Bullying

Nationally, 1 out of 5 students between the ages of 12 and 18 are bullied every year.

The most commonly reported type of bullying is verbal bullying followed by rumor spreading and social exclusion.

While bullying typically happens in unstructured situations and minimally supervised areas such as playgrounds, cafeterias, hallways, bus stops, and buses, the classroom is also a common location for bullying.

Students who reported that they were frequently bullied scored lower in reading, mathematics, and science than their peers who reported that they were never or rarely bullied.

Victims of bullying are often unwilling to report their victimization to others. Victims of in-person bullying are less likely to report due to fear of retaliation while victims of cyberbullying express concerns that if they report their technology will be taken away.

Less than half of students ages 12-18 who were bullied during the school year notified a parent or an adult at school about the bullying.

According to a PEW Research Center report, parents ranked bullying as the second most pressing worry they have for their children, second only to mental health in general. Seventy-four percent of parents said they were somewhat or extremely/very worried about bullying.

Over half of students ages 13-17 (54.6%) reported that they had experienced cyberbullying in their lifetime. Mean or hurtful comments posted online, exclusion from group chats, and rumors spread online were most commonly reported.

Students who are cyberbullied are also likely to be bullied in traditional ways.

When asked about the effect bullying has on them, students reported:

  • negative feelings about themselves;
  • negative effects on their schoolwork;
  • negative effects on their relationships with family and friends; and
  • negative effects on their physical health.

Nearly 14% of public schools report that bullying is a discipline problem occurring daily or at least once a week.

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About Us / Yozgoo Story:

Clemson University and Gamify are happy to collaborate and introduce the first full length, web-based bully-prevention interactive role-playing game, Yozgoo!

Yozgoo is based on world renowned peer reviewed scholarly research on comprehensive bullying prevention. Yozgoo lets the student/player build a character and play to learn how to identify bullying, manage bullying behavior, use best practices in bullying situations and much more. The student/player is immersed in a story-driven fictitious world designed to simulate common bullying problems students face every day. This world is a safe and friendly world which is stylized in a kid-friendly theme.

  1. Meet Yoz from the planet Yizzle, he's come to help your school!
  2. Learn strategies to help manage and identify bullying.
  3. Help other students at your school.
  4. Navigate fun secret mazes and challenges.
  5. Score as many points as possible, get the high score in your class!
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