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Best Practices in Bullying Prevention

The goal of any prevention initiative is to stop a behavior before it ever begins. Prevention and intervention strategies that help youth learn self-control, cultivate empathy, and manage emotions reduce the risk of aggressive behavior later. In the case of bullying, schools should be proactive by using evidence-based bullying prevention strategies and consistently responding when bullying occurs. Researchers and practitioners have identified these best practices in bullying prevention and intervention.

  • Focus on the whole school environment
    To reduce bullying, it is important to change the climate of the school and the social norms regarding bullying. Since bullying is not the sole responsibility of any single individual at a school, it requires buy-in and efforts of everyone in the school environment.
  • Assess bullying at schools
    Conduct an anonymous survey annually to learn when, where, what type, and how often bullying happens in the school.
  • Form a representative team to coordinate and support bullying prevention activities
    This bullying prevention coordinating committee is the engine that keeps bullying prevention initiatives going. They plan bullying prevention activities, train and motivate staff, students, and families, and ensure that efforts continue over time.
  • Train all staff
    All administrators, faculty, and staff at a school should be trained in bullying prevention and intervention so they better understand the nature of bullying and its effects, how to respond if they observe bullying, and how to work with others at the school to help prevent bullying from occurring.
  • Establish and enforce rules and policies
    Bullying prevention rules should be taught and posted throughout the school. Appropriate methods of positive reinforcement and corrective consequences ensure that students are aware of adult expectations that they refrain from bullying and help students who are bullied.
  • Increase adult supervision in locations where bullying occurs
    Bullying tends to thrive in locations where adults are not present or are not vigilant. Survey results will help identify hot spots where bullying occurs. Once identified, increase adult presence to actively monitor these locations.
  • Intervene consistently and appropriately in bullying situations
    Adults must be well-prepared to step in when bullying is witnessed, suspected, or reported. It must become normative for all staff to notice and respond when a child is bullied or left out. The message that bullying is not acceptable must be clear; and the same message needs to come from everyone.
  • Involve students in regular discussions about bullying.
    Youth voice is critical for creating an environment where bullying is not accepted and treating others with respect is the norm. Focusing time on prevention though class meetings or student circle discussions is time well-spent as it deepens relationships between adults and students and helps to develop mutually respectful relationships among peers. These meetings also provide tools for students to address bullying and other social problems.
  • Garner parent support
    Families need to know that the school is concerned, aware, and actively working to address bullying. They must feel genuinely welcome to contact the school if they have concerns of any kind. Keeping the lines of communication open can build positive connections between home and school.
  • Continue efforts over time
    Bullying prevention should not have an end date. It requires continuous attention to become a part of school life that is woven throughout the entire school environment.

While there may not be a quick fix, strategies to address bullying can change school climate - but it requires a commitment to shift ingrained attitudes and norms…so it won’t happen overnight. A comprehensive approach that teaches staff and students that bullying is unacceptable and empowers them to address bullying behaviors is required.

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About Us / Yozgoo Story:

Clemson University and Gamify are happy to collaborate and introduce the first full length, web-based bully-prevention interactive role-playing game, Yozgoo!

Yozgoo is based on world renowned peer reviewed scholarly research on comprehensive bullying prevention. Yozgoo lets the student/player build a character and play to learn how to identify bullying, manage bullying behavior, use best practices in bullying situations and much more. The student/player is immersed in a story-driven fictitious world designed to simulate common bullying problems students face every day. This world is a safe and friendly world which is stylized in a kid-friendly theme.

  1. Meet Yoz from the planet Yizzle, he's come to help your school!
  2. Learn strategies to help manage and identify bullying.
  3. Help other students at your school.
  4. Navigate fun secret mazes and challenges.
  5. Score as many points as possible, get the high score in your class!
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